These tips will save you time and hassle when setting up a stormproof tent. You might be able to save your life or increase your chances of enjoying your next camping trip.
The right setup can make all the difference in how your tent weathers a storm. There will come a point when extreme weather conditions or a bad storm can make it impossible for any tent to withstand. You need to prepare well in advance for storms.
You can make sure you ride out a storm without any problems by doing certain things.
First, make sure you choose a tent that can withstand wind and rain. Consider the tent’s waterproofness and how it is constructed. Is there a fly on the tent? Is it possible to get a fly if the tent does not have one?
Tents can be made waterproof without the use of a fly. The Coleman Instant Tent is one example. However, customers have reported that this has been the case. It seems that some extra precautions could help to save the day.
Applying a waterproofing agent to your tent is the first thing that you should do. You would set up your tent at home, then apply the waterproofing agent.
This is a common way to prepare your tent. I wouldn’t hesitate to do it even for tents that claim they are waterproof, unless the manufacturer explicitly states otherwise.
Remember that tents are more water-resistant than tents, so it can be more susceptible to condensation. This is something you should keep in mind when buying a tent. This is something you should also consider when setting up your tent.
A large enough fly or an extra fly can be very useful here, just to open some windows enough to allow for air circulation.
Even if your tent claims to be waterproof, it’s still a good idea to have a fly or tarp handy to increase your chances of staying dry. You don’t need to be prepared for camping.
When choosing a site for your tent, you should also consider the possibility of trees falling. Strong winds and storms can increase the danger. While this is not directly related to water, it is something to consider in a storm.
Storm proofing your tent means avoiding possible problems while setting up your camp. This includes considering flash flooding and strong winds. The location of your campsite can have a significant impact on how well you are able to weather a storm.
It is always prudent and wise to verify weather forecasts before you travel. If the weather is not favorable, postponing your vacation might be the best option. As an additional preparation tip, it is a good idea to have spare clothes and towels. In case of an emergency, keep some extra clothes and towels in your car.
Planning right from the start, starting with when you buy your tent and continuing to your travels, can have a significant impact on how stormproof your tent will be.